“The real, raw, ratchet and… beautiful truth about my struggle with homosexuality.”
Masturbation, pornography, and homosexuality are words Douglas rarely heard while growing up in church, but they were the topics that he was most concerned about, and consumed by. It’s often the secret sins that have the most power to destroy us. Douglas was seven years old when he realized he was attracted to the same sex. His raw and candid testimony dives into these taboo topics. Saved Equals Free chronicles the lived experience of one believer who, after encountering God’s relentless, passionate, and gentle pursuit, made the choice to be deliberate about living in the liberty in which God has called us to.
God saved Douglas… not for the sake of being straight, but for the sake of being free!
“In a world where the intersection of faith and sexuality often feels like a battleground, author Douglas Bradley emerges as a guiding light, offering wisdom, empathy, and above all, freedom. I had the privilege of sitting down with Bradley on The PHILLIP Show to discuss his breakout book, "Saved Equals Free," a courageous exploration of taboo topics within the Christian faith, including sexuality in the church.
As our conversation unfolded, it became evident that Bradley's journey was not just about self-discovery but about embracing transparency and vulnerability in real-time. "Saved Equals Free" isn't just a memoir or a self-help book; it's a testament to the power of shedding light on a process as one continues to find their way.
At the heart of Bradley's narrative lies a profound understanding of what it means to struggle with sexuality within the confines of Christianity. "What does struggling with sexuality really mean?" I asked Bradley, eager to delve into the complexities of his journey. With unwavering honesty, he shared his own battles with self-acceptance, grappling with questions of identity, desire, and spirituality.
For many LGBTQ+ individuals, the church can often feel like an inhospitable place, a sentiment Bradley understands all too well. "Gay and the church. Why stay if they don’t want you?" I asked, curious about Bradley's decision to remain rooted in a faith that often rejects or marginalizes queer identities. His response was poignant yet resolute, emphasizing the importance of reclaiming one's place within a community that has the potential for transformation.
“In a world rife with division, Bradley’s message of inclusivity and compassion resonates deeply.”
Throughout our conversation, Bradley emphasized the significance of uncertainty and ambiguity in the journey towards self-discovery. "Is not knowing your sexuality ok?" I posed, acknowledging the pressure society places on individuals to neatly categorize themselves. Bradley's answer was a thoughtful affirmation of the inherent value of exploration and introspection, free from the constraints of societal expectations.
As we delved deeper into the themes of his book, Bradley's passion for fostering dialogue and understanding became palpable. "Saved Equals Free" isn't about convincing or converting; it's about creating a safe space for people to share their experiences and perspectives without fear of judgment. In a world rife with division, Bradley's message of inclusivity and compassion resonates deeply.
The conversation with Douglas Bradley left me inspired and hopeful. Through "Saved Equals Free," he invites readers on a journey of self-discovery, challenging societal norms and embracing the fullness of who they are. With unwavering transparency and authenticity, Bradley reminds us that true freedom lies in embracing our truth, whatever that may be.
As we continue to navigate the complexities of faith, sexuality, and identity, "Saved Equals Free" serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards self-discovery, acceptance, liberation, and ultimately, love.”
-Phillip O’Rourke
“:The real, raw, ratchet and… beautiful truth about my struggle with homosexuality.” Douglas Bradley
”Saved Equals Free” - Now available on Amazon.
1. How might embracing transparency and vulnerability in our own journeys lead to greater self-acceptance and understanding?
2. In what ways can we challenge societal norms and create safe spaces for dialogue, especially regarding taboo topics like sexuality and faith?
3. Reflecting on Bradley's journey, how can we reconcile our own identities with the expectations placed upon us by religion, culture, and society?