Tyinspire with Pursuing Your Purpose, A Global Perspective

Tyinspire (Tiffany Dillard) is a Global Educator, Life-Coach, and International Musician, and founder of the non-profit The Chalkboard Project Africa. Breaking away from the stereotype of the USA, she followed her dreams and her passions abroad - to Africa, and established a career, a reputation, and is making a positive impact in the lives of people around the world through her music, and a determination to share inspiration.

1. Why did you decide to cater to a global audience?
2. What are any myths or misconceptions that you have heard about Africa?
3. Through it all, what would you like for your message to do?

πŸ‘‰ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyinspire/
πŸ‘‰ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyinspire
πŸ‘‰ Website: https://thechalkboardprojectafrica.org/